Peter DeFrancesca [2021, Furniture Design]

Hello! I have found that a lot of work I make has to do with linear material and continuous line. From that notion, I will have jewelry and textile work, ranging from bracelets and necklaces to hanging/home textiles. For the hanging textiles I am experimenting to find a way to harden them so they become more like paintings to hang on a wall. I have also been experimenting with patterns to diffuse light from windows. I recently have been using colored yarn, but have been experimenting with space dyeing white yarn. With metal (I will be using silver and brass) I may alter the color with patina to create colored patterns. Process wise, I knit on a Brother KH860 home knitting machine, and for jewelry I use needle nose pliers and a jewelers saw. I hope to buy hammer and bench block to add texture and work harden the links.