Ashley Schwebel [2010, Industrial Design]

In both my art and design work the main material I work with is concrete. It is a very versatile material to create with, and is an inspiration in itself, as well as a challenge. I frequently reflect on using a material known for being used on a large, utilitarian scale, seen as “ugly” by some, and how I can re-interpret this material into a different context, and show that it is beautiful. My creative process utilizes having a structured workflow, but one that allows room for experimentation and random occurrence, to contribute to the aesthetic of the finished form. In my jewelry, due to both the concrete casting process, as well as various decisions regarding color, mixture ratios, and timing among others, the final aesthetic is sometimes a surprise and always unique. Also, while not able to exactly quantify its part, I feel a great deal of my creative process is influenced from the experience of being in the physical space where I create- a narrow 250 sq ft. studio with 16 ft high ceilings in an old mill building, along the train tracks- where I spend my days and many nights creating work, often fueled by techno music and fluorescent lights.