Chelsea Danburg [1996, Textiles]
I’m Chelsea, an artist and founder of BluJoyWrks. I work across disciplines to create peace within myself and help my clients do the same. My biggest wish is for us all to unleash our creativity and build our dreams. I believe we can become whole, truly healthy human beings by making and experiencing art. The thing is, art reaches the whole self- the intellect; the spirit; and the physical, tactile body. All my projects work in concert to tap into these three modalities to support greater well-being. One connecting thread throughout my work is that the physical form is determined by the desired functionality. This philosophy was instilled in me freshman year at RISD by my 3-D design teacher and solidified by my study of woven structure. Building the purpose into the physical structure of the work is how I engage the whole self- the physical, the spirit and the intellect.