Caitlin Heimerl [2010, Illustration]

Caitlin Heimerl‚ hand-built ceramics combine her delight in drawn lines with her love of color to create functional tableware. Imagery reminiscent of the artist‚ most beloved places and pursuits is embedded in her vivid pieces. Vast skies, quiet trout streams, and summer blossoms serve as endless inspiration. Working with clay and slips colored with mason stains has allowed Caitlin to utilize her painterly sensibility in a 3D medium. Caitlin lovingly crafts each piece by applying multi-layered stencils cut from original drawings onto flat slabs before forming the ‚printed‚ clay into cups, pitchers, or plates. Caitlin is an educator, plein air painter, illustrator, and ceramic artist. She grew up in Topanga Canyon, California and St. Louis, Missouri before graduating from RISD with a BFA in Illustration in 2010. She stepped into her current role as a high school art teacher in 2013, and earned a Masters in Art Education from Boston University in 2017. She is based in St. Louis where she is a member of Craft Alliance Center of Art + Design.

