Nicole Aquillano [2012, MFA Ceramics]

I am influenced by an intense longing to return to the comfort and stability of home, which I satisfy by creation of work which establishes intimate connections. Through the labor-intensive act of making, I establish a close personal relationship with each piece; a connection which is effortlessly transferred through the functionality of tableware. Architectural imagery drawn from my photographic collection, coupled with the movement of glaze, elicits memories of times past. These subtle narratives, inlaid with intense attention to detail, prompt display of my work when not in use, as a meaningful addition to any collection. I am particularly interested in exploring the human need to maintain collections, as a way to preserve the past and satisfy the longing with which we inhabit the world: driven by a desire to hold onto that which will inevitably be lost. My memories and experiences are carved onto objects intended to be both used and collected: as a way to facilitate new relationships to fill the void left by that which we will never have again.

Fun Fact: I have an undergraduate degree in civil and environmental engineering and worked for the EPA for 8 years before pursuing my dream of becoming a potter.
