Suzanne Watzman [1976, Graphic Design]
Beginning from my time at RISD, my evolution as a graphic designer has been everything but a straight line; from a graphic design employee to employer, instructor, MIT artist-in-residence, trainer, a month-long visit to my adopted daughter’s home country. It was this initial visit to Vietnam that extended to seven years (!), where I began my love affair with indigenous cultures, artisans, hand-made textiles, items with a history. Through all these transitions, the thread that always was there, and is- whatever I do or make, that it be useful as well beautiful and, that I contribute to making the world a better place. Years have passed from our time in Vietnam. Those opportunities to design handbags and clothing, train at and support special workshops, create products using vintage textiles, silk and artisan handwork (and more)- forever changed my path. As a textile designer, I continue to persistently explore, create, share, keep learning. What impacts my practice now is my ongoing research in Asia including (probably as you read this) India, learning about natural dyes and sustainable processes and working toward a respectful economy for all. I take such joy working with textiles, often thanking my grandmother who taught me how to sew by turning men’s suiting patches into quilts. From those early projects to my current work, I also realize that advocating for fashion/textile lifestyle change matters lots, since the textile industry is the second largest polluting industry on the globe. To support that goal, I will be Artist-in-Residence at Fuller Craft Museum beginning in April 2020- to continue teaching, working, talking about textiles as well as handmade and sustainable products and processes. As for the products of Tamaryn Design- each is designed and handmade by me, or in collaboration with another handworker, using repurposed or sustainably-produced materials. Each item is wearable art: comfortable, colorful and fun to wear! I want to tell the stories and provide meaning to the pieces that I make and send out to others. The items submitted in this application include repurposed linen, silk, silk dyed with natural dyes, bamboo, cotton fabrics, and handwoven textiles with a history. There is more to come, and this is my part to present positive examples of old becoming new and beautiful.