Tzu-Ju Chen [2000, Jewelry Metalsmithing]
I am a jeweler, I make jewelry as a means of reconciliation. The point of departure for the “When dreams travels…” brooch series comes from an intimate place – found objects that echo a sense of home against the backdrop of the world at large. “Nostalgia” and “reconciliation” are two major undertones of my work. I gravitate towards ancient techniques and I live in the modern world. I am in flux between tradition, cultural identity and their relevance in my current surroundings. My pieces are mini-worlds which I create to express the longing for connection, identity, and a place of belonging. They often have a public side for the viewer and a private side for the wearer. The private sides are like treasured memories. This aspect of intimacy enhances the preciousness of the jewelry and is important to me as a maker.